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Current Employment Opportunities

A list of all the Current Employment Opportunities

Bobbi G

Saddle Lake - 3 workers , Edmonton - 1 worker

The Post Majority Worker will utilize independent judgement and discretion to provide support to eligible Saddle Lake Youth between the ages of 18-25 years of age to transition into independence. The Post Majority Support worker provides supports to youth, often in the community, providing support including but not limited to accompanying to appointments, obtaining benefits and entitlements, and identifying additional support services.

Saddle Lake Wahkohtowin Society

Career Opportunities

Bobbi G

Saddle Lake Wahkohtowin Child Care Society

The Family Finding Worker (FFW) provides progressive support to the Wahkohtowin Society in all aspects related to family finding. Reporting to the Band Designate, the FFW uses the methods and strategies from the family finding model to locate and engage relatives of children/youth in care or at risk of entering care so that every child may benefit from lifelong connections that only a family provides.

Saddle Lake Wahkohtowin Society

This week’s job postings at River Cree Resort & Casino

Bobbi G

Imperial job opportunities

Bobbi G

Current Job Opportunities

Bobbi G


Bobbi G

Employment Opportunity In Canada

Bobbi G

Indigenous-specific jobs

Bobbi G

Apply for jobs with the Alberta Public Service and public agency boards.

Bobbi G
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