CLFN Health Centre
Health & Wellness Centers Community Organizations
The Health Department is the largest Department on Cold Lake. The Department is responsible for delivering health care services on reserve. Health care services include community nursing, counselling and additions services, head start, medical transfers, homecare, and various other community health services. The Department is funded directly by Health Canada and has very clear reporting arrangements that guide program management.
Cold Lake First Nations Health Center is the ‘Community Health Services’ Center serving the community’s citizens and on-reserve residents. Our skilled staff members are here to help with healing and assist our community members. We are proud to provide welcoming care to our most vulnerable citizens.
Departmental Objectives
- Community nursing and health supports
- Mental health and addictions supports
- Maternal child health
- Access to off-reserve health supports and programming
- Homecare and seniors supports
- Headstart and early childhood development
Programs and Services
- Health Infrastructure Support
- Healthy Child Development
- Mental Health
- National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NNADAP)
- Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative
- Communicable Disease Control Program
- Public Health Protection
- Primary Care
- Community Nursing
- Supplementary Health Benefits
- Capital Operations and Maintenance
- Building Health Communities – Solvent Abuse (BCH/SA)
Membership Type
Indigenous Community Departments & Organizations